Diplom der Spur des Apostels Paulus


      This  award is sponsored in commemoration of Paul the Apostle,s three Christian missionary journeys.

The award is issued for confirmed contacts with the following countries and cities which Paul the Apostle visited during his journeys: Greece-SV, Crete-SV9, Cyprus-5B4, Damascus-YK, Jerusalem-4X, Lebanon-OD, Malta-9H, Rome-I, Sicily-IT and Turkey-TA. 10 QSOs in all, any band, mode and date. The same conditions apply for SWL.

To apply send GCR list plus 5 euro for Europe or 10$ for others to DG5JFY, Victor Ganin, A-Kivi-Str.17, D-18106  Rostock. Germany.

e-mail: dg5jfy@gmx.de







                 ETERNAL CITIES AWARD


This award is issued for confirmed contacts from cities which were founded before the birth of Christ. European and Asian stations need 50 points; all others 25. A city which was founded in the 1st century BC counts 1 point, in the 2nd  century BC – 2 points; etc. A QSO with one of the eternal cities may be counted, any band, mode and date.

To apply send GCR list plus 5 euro for Europe or 10$ for others to DG5JFY, Victor Ganin, A-Kivi-Str.17, D-18106  Rostock. Germany.

e-mail: dg5jfy@gmx.de


                               Some the oldest cities of the world. 


Athens-SV – 15 points,   Ankara-TA – 7 points,   Beirut-OD – 17 points,   Bologna-I – 6 points,   Barselona-EA – 3 points,   Cologne-DK – 1 point,   Damascus-YK – 11 points,   Dehli-VU – 10 points,   Feodosia-UU – 6 points,   Geneva-HB – 1 point,   Istanbul-TA – 7 points,   Jerusalem-4X – 15 points,   Kerch-UU – 6 points,   Lisbon-CT – 2 points,   Marseilles-F – 6 points,   Milan-I – 5 points,   Malaga-EA – 11 points,   Nikosia- 5B,ZC – 7 points,   Paris-F – 1 point,   Pekin-BY – 15 points,   Plovdiv-LZ – 4 points,   Rome-I – 8 points,   Tunis-3V – 10 points,   Valencia-EA – 2 points.






                                               FORMULA 1 AWARD


    This award is issued for confirmed QSOs with at least 20 of the following 22 countries in which since 1980  «Formula 1» races have been held. They are: Argentina-LU, Australia-VK, Austria-OE, Belgium-ON, Brazil-PY, Canada-VE, France-F, Germany-DK, Great Britain-G, Holland-PA, Hungary-HA, Italy-I, Japan-JA, Malaysia-9m2, Mexico-XE,  Monaco-3A2,  Portugal-CT,  San-Marino-T77,  South Africa-ZS6,  Spain-EA,  Switzerland-HB9,  USA-W.  

    Each country counts once only. All contacts from January 1st, 1980 onwards may be counted, any mode or band. The same conditions apply for SWL.

    To apply send GCR list plus  10 euro or 12$ to DG5JFY,  Victor Ganin,  A-Kivi-Str.17, Rostock  D-18106,  Germany.

    e-mail: dg5jfy@gmx.de






dg5jfy's radioamateur awards
Hosted by uCoz